Bu calismada, 4+4+4 egitim yasasi degisikligi kapsaminda ilkokuma ve yazma egitiminde, uygulama sahasinda yer alan birinci sinif ogretmenlerinin yasadiklari sorunlarin tespit edilerek ogretmen goruslerinin ortaya konmasi amaclanmaktadir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma yontemlerinden “fenomenoloji” deseninden yararlanilmistir. Amacli ornekleme yontemlerinden, “olcut ornekleme” yontemiyle belirlenen 29 sinif ogretmeni, arastirmanin calisma grubunu olusturmaktadir. Arastirmanin verileri standartlastirilmis acik uclu gorusme yaklasimi ile toplanmis, verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz ile birlikte icerik analizi kullanilmistir. Her soru mufredattaki duzenlemeler dogrultusunda sinif ogretmenlerinin ilkokuma ve yazma egitiminde yasadiklari sorunlari belirlemek icin hazirlanmis ve ogrencilerden, ailelerden/velilerden, ogretmenlerden, okuldan ve programin kendisinden kaynaklanan sorunlar olmak uzere ayri basliklar altinda degerlendirilmis ve yorumlanmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, 4+4+4 Egitim Sistemi kapsaminda birinci sinif ogretmenlerinin ilkokuma ve yazma egitiminde yasadiklari sorunlardan bazilari su sekildedir: Ogrenciden kaynaklanan sorunlar; Algi ve uyum sorunu, fiziksel gelisim yetersizligi, cabuk sikilma, disiplin zorlugu, okuma hizinin dusuk olmasi, oz-bakim becerilerinin yetersizligi ve farkli yas gruplarinin ayni sinifta olmasi; Programdan kaynaklanan sorunlar; uyum surecinin cok uzun olmasi, 5 - 5,5 yasindaki cocuklarin gelisimine uygun olmamasi, ders kitaplarinin sisteme uyumlu olmamasi, ogretmenlerin yeterince bilgilendirilmemesi, programin uzman gorusu alinmadan uygulanmasi, ses temelli ogretimin dezavantajlari, bitisik egik yazidan kaynaklanan sikintilar; Okuldan kaynaklanan sorunlar; egitsel materyal, oyun alani vs. eksikligi, sira-tahta- lavabolarin kucuklere gore olmayisi (ayni binada ilkokul ve ortaokul olmasi), kalabalik sinif, derslik yetersizligi, idari/ogrenci dagitiminda adaletsizlik; Ogretmenden kaynaklanan sorunlar; yeni sisteme uyum saglayamama, eski sistemde devam etme, ayni okul icinde zumre anlayisi olmayisi, siniflar arasi duzey farkliligi, okuma- yazmaya gecmede acelecilik, bitisik egik yazi yazamamak seklindedir. Arastirma sonunda bu sorunlara iliskin cesitli oneriler belirtilmistir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Ilkokul programi, sinif ogretmenleri, ogretmenlerin gorusleri An Evaluation of the Difficulties Classroom Teachers Experience While Giving Primary Reading and Writing Education Within the 4+4+4 Education System Abstract The aim of this study is to ascertain the problems classroom teachers face while teaching the first reading and writing classes to first-grade pupils following the changes made in the current educational act towards 4+4+4 education system and to put forward the views of teachers concerning these problems. This research makes use of the phenomenological approach, one of the qualitative research methods. Determined by criterion sampling, which is one of the purposive sampling methods, 29 classroom teachers constitute the study group of the research. The research data were collected by semi-structured interviews approach in 2013-2014 academic years, the semester of 2015-2016 academic year unstructured observations and students for reading and writing documents while the analysis of the data was made with descriptive analysis and content analysis. In accordance with the regulations in the curriculum, each question was designed to determine the problems class teachers experience while teaching first reading and writing primers and the results were evaluated and interpreted under separate categories such as drawbacks rooted in students, families/parents, teachers, school and the curriculum. According to the survey, some of the problems experienced by first-grade teachers while teaching reading and writing within the 4 + 4 + 4 Education System can be listed as follows: Student-oriented problems such as perception and compliance issues, inadequate physical development, getting bored quickly, discipline issues, low reading speed, lack of self-care skills, and the presence of different age groups in the same classroom; Curriculum-oriented problems such as the long adaptation durations, inappropriate nature of the curriculum for the development of students between 5 and 5,5 years of age, inapt textbooks, the underprepared teachers who were informed about the system at short notice, the fact that the system was imposed without taking expert opinions, disadvantages of audio-based teaching, and problems arising from italic inscription; School-oriented problems such as the lack of educational materials, playgrounds, etc., inapt structure of the desks, boards, toilets, and sinks for younger students (due to teaching primary and secondary school students in the same building), overcrowded classrooms, lack of classrooms, and the injustices in administrative issues and student distributions; Teacher-oriented problems such as the inability of teachers to adapt to the new system, the tendency to follow the previous curriculum, the lack of an understanding of class distributions in the same school, the differences between the levels of perception among students, the needless haste in teaching reading and writing, and the inability of teachers to use italic inscriptions. At the end of the research, several suggestions have been provided related to these issues. Keywords: Elementary school programmes, classroom teachers, teachers' opinions
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