
Abstract: Introduction: The aim of this study is to discuss the necessity of surgery by analysing the long term results and satisfaction of the symptomatic and asymptomatic patients who had parathyroidectomy for primary hiperparathyroidism. Methods: Patients who had parathyroidectomy because of primary parathyroid pathology or during thyroid surgery as concomittant parathyroid pathology between June 1999 and September 2010 were enrolled to the present, retrospective study. A total of seventy one patient were included to the study. The Pasieka Symptom Scoring System and SF-36 questionnaire are applied to the patients. The patients were divided into two groups as symptomatic and asympyomatic. The answers to the Pasieka Symptom Scoring System’s last 5 questions examining general health, surgical satisfaction and quality of life were evaluated between smptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Results: Number of the symptomatic patients were 38 (53.5%) whereas 33 patients (46.5%) were asymptomatic. Average length of follow up was 60 months. Among the operated 71 patients; 67 (94.4%) were cured, 4 (5.6%) had persistent hyperparathyroidism and 2 of these patients were operated again, the other two patients were out of follow up. Conclusion: Asymptomatic patients with primary hyperparathyroidism may have masked neurocognitive and psychiatric complaints and these patients’ quality of life can be improved with surgery. Key Words: Hyperparathyroidism, primary, asymptomatic Ozet: Giris: Calismanin amaci primer hiperparatiroidism nedeniyle paratiroidektomi yapilmis semptomatik ve asemptomatik hastalarin uzun donem sonuclarini ve memnuniyetlerini degerlendirerek cerrahinin gerekliligini tartismaktir. Metod: Retrospektif calismamiza Haziran 1999 ile Eylul 2010 tarihleri arasinda primer paratiroid patolojisi nedeniyle veya eslik eden paratiroid patolojisi olup tiroid cerrahisi esnasinda paratiroidektomi yapilan hastalar dahil edilmistir. Toplam 71 hasta calismaya dahil edilmistir ve hastalara The Pasieka Symptom Scoring System ve SF-36 anketleri uygulanmistir. Hastalar semptomatik ve asemptomatik olmak uzere iki gruba ayrilmistir. The Pasieka Symptom Scoring System anketinin son 5 sorusunun yanitlari asemptomatik ve semptomatik hastalar arasinda genel saglik durumu, cerrahi memnuniyet ve hayat kalitesini degerlendirmektedir. Sonuclar: Semptomatik hastalarin sayisi 38 (%53.5) iken 33 (%46.5) hasta asemptomatik grupta idi. Ortalama takip suresi 60 aydi. 71 Hasta arasindan 67 hastada (%94.4) kur saglandi, 4 hastada (%5.6) persistan hiperparatiroidism gelisti ve 2 hasta tekrar opere edildi; 2 hasta ise izlem disi kaldi. Karar: Asemptomatik primer hiperparatiroidismli hastalarda norokognitif ve psikiatrik yakinmalar maskelenebilir ve bu hastalarin yasam kaliteleri cerrahi ile iyilestirilebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Hiperparatiroidism, Primer, Asemptomatik

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