
Bu calismada, farkli zemin tiplerinin Esmer sut sigirlarinda sut verimi, davranis ozellikleri ve temizlik skorlari uzerine etkileri arastirilmistir. Denemenin hayvan materyali Ataturk Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Arastirma ve Uygulama Ciftligi Sigircilik Şubesinde bulunan 33 bas sigir olusturmustur. Deneme beton, kaucuk ve matress olmak uzere 3 grup olusturulmustur. Deneme sonunda elde edilen verilere gore sabah, aksam ve toplam sut verimi bakimindan farkliliklar onemsiz bulunmustur (P>0,05). Sut kompozisyonu bakimindan sut yagi, donma noktasi ve pH’da gruplar arasinda bir farklilik olmamis (P>0,05) ancak yagsiz kuru madde, yogunluk, protein, laktoz, kul bakimindan farklar onemli bulunmustur (P 0,05). Arastirma sonunda matress zemin tipinin bagli kapali ahirlarda barindirilan sagmal Esmer sigirlarinda kullanilmasi tavsiye edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Esmer sigir, sut verimi, zemin tipi, somatik hucre The Effects of Different Types Floor on Milk Yield, Milk Composition and Somatic Cell Count of Brown Swiss Cows ABSRACT: The study was conducted to determine effects of different types floor on the milk yield, behavioural properties, cleaning situations of Brown Swiss cows. The experiment was carried out at the Research Farm of the Collage of Agriculture at Ataturk University by using 33 Brown Swiss cows. The cows were allocated to three groups called as concrete, rubber mat and mattress groups. The results have shown that there were statistically insignificant differences between groups for morning milk, evening and total milk yield (P>0,05). Milk fat, freezing point and pH were also insignificant between groups (P>0,05). However there was significant differences between groups in terms of percentage of solid not fat, density, protein, lactose and ash between groups (P 0,05). As a result of the study, it was concluded that mattress should be recommended for lactating Brown Swiss cows cattle housed in tied closed barn. Keyword: Browns swiss, milk yield, floor typee, somatic cell

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