
OZ: Fonksiyonel gidalar, dogal olarak icerdikleri bilesenleri ile besin gereksinimlerini karsilamanin yani sira, sagliga yararli biyolojik ogeleri iceren, hastaliklardan korunmada etkili olabilen, yasam fonksiyonlari uzerinde olumsuz etki yapabilecek ogelerden arindirilmis ve yasam kalitesini yukselten besinlerdir.Bu calismanin amaci, Adana ili Cukurova, Saricam, Seyhan ve Yuregir ilcelerinde tuketicilerin fonksiyonel gidalara yonelik farkindalik ve kabulleri ile ilgili tutumlarina yonelik bir bakis acisi olusturmaktir. Bu amacla 2015 yilinda Adana ili, Saricam, Seyhan ve Yuregir ilcelerinde 148 tuketici ile anket calismasi yapilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore ankete katilan bireylerin %57.4’u kadin, %53.4’u 26-45 yas arasinda, %56.8’i lise mezunudur.  Ankete katilan bireylerin fonksiyonel gidalarin farkinda olduklari(%30.4), ancak bu gidalarin fonksiyonel gidalar oldugunu bilmedikleri(%50.7) tespit edilmis ve en cok tuketilen uc fonksiyonel gida maddesinin maden suyu, bitki caylari ve mineral ilaveli sut oldugu belirlenmistir. Fonksiyonel gidalarin tuketiminin ve tuketici bilincinin arttirilmasina yonelik calismalarin yapilmasi bu gidalara olan farkindaligi artiracagi dusunulmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Fonksiyonel gida, Tuketicinin farkindaligi, sorvey, Adana Consumers’ Awareness Towards Functional Foods with an Example in Adana City ABSTRACT : Functional foods are beneficial to the nutritional needs with the help of the components that they naturally contain. Besides this they also contain beneficial biological elements, they can be effective in protecting diseases, can be free of the elements that may have negative impacts on the life functions and they improve the life quality. This study aims to create a perspective on the consumer behaviours regarding their awareness and acceptance of the functional foods in Cukurova, Saricam, Seyhan and Yuregir districts of Adana city. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 148 consumers in Cukurova, Saricam, Seyhan and Yuregir districts of Adana in 2015.  According to the results of the survey, 57.4% of the respondents were women, 53.4% were between the ages of 26-45, and 56.8% were high school graduates. It has been determined that individuals who participated in the survey were aware of the functional foods (30.4%), but did not know that these foods were functional foods (50.7%) also the three most functional food items can be listed as mineral water, herbal teas, and mineral supplemented milk respectively. It has been determined that a study would contribute to increasethe functional foods consumption and the consumer awareness. Keywords: Functional food, awareness of consumers, survey, Adana

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