
OZET : Patatesin yetistirilmesi ve islahi kadar, depolama sirasinda kalite ve fizyolojik ozelliklerinde meydana gelecek degisimlerin bilinmesi de onemlidir. Bu arastirmayla, 6 patates cesidinin (Binella, Granola, Bamba, Natascha, Toscana, Slaney ve Marfona) 4-6 0 C sicaklik ve %90-98 nem sartlarindaki depolanma suresi sonunda agirlik kaybi, uyanma gosteren/surgun veren yumru orani ve yumrudaki goz ve surgun sayisi, surgun boyu ve eni gibi fiziksel ozellikleri belirlenmistir. Calismada, Erzurum ekolojisinde 2013 ve 2014 yillarinda uretilen patates cesitlerine ait yumrular kullanilmistir. Depolama donemi sonunda, yumrularin fiziksel ozelliklerindeki degisimlerde yillara gore onemli farklilik soz konusu olmazken,  patates cesitleri arasinda farkliliklar belirlenmistir. Patates cesitlerinin genel ortalamasina gore depolama sonunda patates yumrularinda %2.03 agirlik kaybi olmus, bu yumrularin %94.6’si uyanma gostermis, %92.9 oraninda surgun vermistir. Belirlenen goz ve surgun sayilari 6.3 - 7.5 adet olmustur. Olusan surgunler, 0.99 cm boy ve 0.36 cm cap degerlerine sahip olmustur. Depolama suresi sonunda, agirlik kaybi en az olan cesitler icerisinde yer alan, tohumluk yumru ozelligini en iyi koruyan, gerek surgun veren yumru ve goz sayisi gerekse surgun boyu ve capi yonunden Slaney ve yine agirlik kaybi haricinde diger ozellikler yonunden en iyi sonuclar alinan Marfona cesitleri on plana cikmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Patates, depolama, fiziksel ozellikler, cesit Effect of Storage on the Physical Properties of the some Potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars ABSTRACT : Knowledge the changes that will occur in the quality and physiological values during storage is an important issue as well as potato growing and breeding. The parameters were examined tuber weight loss variations, the rates of waking up showing, giving shoot tubers, the average number of bud and shoot, shoot length and diameter of potato varieties (Binella, Granola, Bamba, Natascha, Toscana, Slaney ve Marfona) at the end of the storage period at 4-6 0 C temperature and 90-98% humidity conditions. In the study, tubers of potato cultivars produced in Erzurum ecology in 2013-2014 years. Changes in the physical properties was determined significant on by. According to the overall average of potato varieties at the end of storage, 2.03% weight loss, 94.6% waking up 92.9% shoot in potato tubers was recorded. The numbers of eye and shoot determined have been 6.3 and 7.5 units. Consisting shoots have values 0.99 cm in length and 0.36 cm in width. As a result, the potatoes stored in long-term controlled and suitable conditions resulted in weight loss. According to potato varieties, the physical properties of potato tubers showed changes.  At the end of storage period, Slaney cv was superior in terms of least weight loss number with higher shoots and bud as well as shoot length and diameter and Marfona cv was superior with all parameters except weight loss. Keywords: Potato, storage, physical properties, variety

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