
Fransa’da din savaslari ancak 1789 Fransiz Ihtilali sonrasinda varilan toplumsal uzlasma sonucunda XVIII. yuzyilda sona erer, ancak bu doneme gelinceye kadar sayisiz yikim ve yillarca suren savaslara tanik olunur. Zaman zaman Fransiz yazininda, kanli savaslari ve felaketle sonuclanan olaylari anlatma gorevi yazar ya da sairlere duser. XVI. yuzyildaki -yuzyilin ortasinda baslayip 1598 tarihinde sona eren- sekiz din savasi Protestan ve Katolik olmak uzere Fransa’yi iki kampa boler. Les Tragiques adli yapiti araciligiyla savas meydanlarinin sefalet ve yanginlarini anlatmak sirasi bu kez Agrippa d’Aubigne’nindir. Agrippa d’Aubigne, aldigi humanist egitime karsin, insan unsurunun Tanri adina verdigi yargi ve gerceklestirdigi eylemleri sonucu basi kesilerek idam edilen cok sayidaki Protestan liderin ocunu almakla gudulenmis, yasamini Katolik-Protestan catismalarinda gecirmis, defalarca olumcul yaralar almis olmasina karsin savas meydani disinda yasamini yitirmis bir yazardir. Yedi bolum halinde duzenledigi siirsel yapiti Les Tragiques ’de bizlere, XVI. yuzyilin ikinci yarisinda Fransa’da gerceklesen sekiz Katolik ve Protestan catismasinin sonucu insanligi surukledigi sefaletten, mutsuzluklardan, krallarin takindiklari acimasiz tutumlardan, yaldizli buro ve saraylari icindeki yargi insanlarinin icinde bulunduklari yozlasmadan, savasin yol actigi korkunc tablolardan, intikam pesinde kosan taraflardan soz eder ve son bolumunde gercek adaleti ancak Tanrinin, Kiyamet Gununde saglayacagi vurgusunu yaparak yapitini tamamlar. Calismada, genel olarak XVI ve XVII. yuzyil Fransa’sindaki din savaslari, ardindan da Agrippa d’Aubigne’nin dunya gorusu ve yapittaki bicemi ele alinmistir. Anahtar Sozcukler : Agrippa d’Aubigne, Les Tragiques , Din Savasi, Intikam, Insanlik, Katolik, Protestan HOLY WARS IN THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY FRENCH LITERATURE, LES TRAGIQUES BY AGRIPPA D’AUBIGNE AS AN EXAMPLE Abstract: Holy wars came to an end in the 18th century in France as a result of the social compromise reached after French Revolution in 1789, but till that period society witnessed numerous destructions and wars through ages. Time to another, in French literature, the narration of bloody wars and catastrophic events, is the duty of writers and poets. The eight religious wars of the sixteenth century, started from the middle of the XVI century and finished in 1598, divide France into two camps as a Protestant and Catholic. It is the turn of Agrippa d'Aubigne to tell the miseries and wars spaces fires through his work The Tragic, written in verse. Although having received a humanist education, Agrippa d’Aubigne was motivated by taking the revenge of a great number of Protestant leaders who were executed as a result of their judgements and their actions that they performed in the name of God. He led his life through a Catholic and Protestant conflict, and, though he was heavily wounded several times, he did not die on a battlefield. In his poetical work Les Tragiques, which was arranged in seven parts, Agrippa d’Aubigne mentioned poverty, misery, cruel attitudes of kings, judgements in gilded bureaus and palaces, corruption in society, terrible picture created by the war, the sides who were seeking for revenge in the second half of the 16 th Century France and he completed his work by emphasizing substantial justice was going to be secured by God on the day of judgement. In this article, we studied, firstly generally holy wars in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, and then the world view and style of Agrippa d'Aubigne. Keywords : Agrippa d’Aubigne, Les Tragiques , Holy War, Revenge, Humanity, Catholic, Protestant

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