The article covers the scientific, pedagogical and public activities of biologist, plant physiologist, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor and head of the Department of Botany (1988–2002), rector of the Ternopil State Pedagogical Institute (1982–1984) Ivan Mykolaiovych Butnytskyi. The scientist went from an assistant to the head of the Department of Botany, vice-rector for academic affairs (1979–2002), rector of the Ternopil State Pedagogical Institute (2002–2004).
 In 1975 he successfully defended his dissertation on "Polarity and physiological-biochemical features of sexualization of some dioecious plants" for the degree of candidate of biological sciences in the specialty – plant physiology. By the decision of the Academic Council of Chernivtsi State University of December 29, 1975 Ivan Mykolaiovych Butnytskyi was awarded the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences and by the decision of the High Attestation Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers of December 23, 1981 - the academic title of associate professor of botany. The direction of his research was to study the features of sexualization of tissues of female and male forms of dioecious plants; study of the activity of some oxidative enzymes in males and females of dioecious plants, the effect of photoperiodism on the growth of aboveground and underground organs in some dioecious plants, the effect of inoculation on the formation of root nitrogen-fixing nodules and increase alfalfa yield in Western Podillya; study of activation of bean-rhizobial symbiosis of alfalfa in the absence of the use of heterologous lectins, etc.
 I. M. Butnytskyi actively develops methodological aspects of improving the preparation of courses "Plant Physiology", especially increasing the independent activity of students in the process of preparation for laboratory classes and educational practice in this course. I. M. Butnytskyi was a talented and responsible organizer of higher education, proved to be principled, hardworking, conscientious in the performance of official duties, persistent in achieving the goal, a teacher with deep theoretical knowledge, which he generously shared with students, teachers in postgraduate courses, in the lecture hall of the society «Knowledge», enjoyed leadership among teachers and students, conducted research, participated in the education of student youth and the implementation of measures for the organic combination of the institute with the work of secondary schools in the region and city.
 I. M. Butnytskyi’s active public and scientific activity was noted by the state. He was awarded the Veteran of Labor Medal (1987), the Badge of Excellence in Public Education of the Ukrainian SSR (1982) and two Diplomas of the Ministry of Defense of the Ukrainian SSR (1958 and 1990). He was elected a deputy of the Ternopil City Council of People's Deputies. For many years he headed the Ternopil branch of the Ukrainian Society of Plant Physiologists.
 He is the author of more than 130 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including two patents of Ukraine for inventions.
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