
The article analyzes the current state of health of students of higher educational institutions. The importance of physical education of student youth in a pandemic has been determined. The necessity of hardening the body by means of aerobics has been substantiated. Since aerobics is one of the main directions of health related physical culture. It has been proven that aerobic exercise, unlike other aerobic exercise, provided that it is used correctly, is safe for health and at the same time very effective. From a large number of types of aerobics, each person can choose one that will fit his age, gender, health status, physical fitness, personal preferences and specific goals, while physical exercise of aerobic nature has a healing effect on the body of those involved.
 Time persistently makes amendments and radical changes in all social institutions of our society. In the field of higher education and, in particular, physical education of students of higher education institutions, changes are rapid. New programs for physical education of student youth have appeared. Physical education is presented in higher education institutions as a discipline and the most important component of holistic personality development. In the conditions of a rapid flow of new information, the volume of educational material and the intensity of his mental work increase day by day. All this leads to a decrease in motor activity of students, deterioration of physical condition, reduced immune response of the body, which often leads to various diseases.


  • The article analyzes the current state of health of students of higher educational institutions

  • It has been proven that aerobic exercise, unlike other aerobic exercise, provided that it is used correctly, is safe for health and at the same time very effective

  • Physical education is presented in higher education institutions as a discipline and the most important component of holistic personality development

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В галузі вищої освіти і, зокрема, фізичного виховання студентів закладів вищої освіти зміни стрімкі. З'явилися нові програми з фізичного виховання студентської молоді. Все це призводить до зниження рухової активності студентів, погіршення фізичного стану, зниження імунної реакції організму, що часто призводить до виникнення різних захворювань.

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