
The article considers the peculiarities of the use of volleyball in groups of sports improvement of students of higher education institutions. The current state of physical fitness of student youth is characterized. The need to improve the system of sports training of volleyball students in connection with changes in government, structural, logistical, economic conditions, the need to educate young people in a healthy lifestyle, one of the main factors of which should be daily exercise . It is established that the existing system of physical education of students on the basis of traditional provisions of current organizational and methodological programs does not provide fully effective rehabilitation, education and upbringing of students from the standpoint of conscious mandatory motor activity and personal needs in solving important tasks of personal development.
 The reforms carried out in the modern system of higher education have deeply affected the physical education of student youth. The most important role in the general and professional development of students of higher education institutions belongs to physical education, both as a discipline and as one of the subsystems of the holistic pedagogical process.
 One of the ways to solve this problem is to reorient the target programs of different types of physical culture to meet the needs of personal orientations, interests and personal goals of each student, more fully take into account the level of physical development and physical fitness, targeted use of training loads.
 It is for each of the cultivated types of sports activities in higher education institutions it is necessary to develop a goal, objectives, tools, forms and a comprehensive educational and training complex. This becomes possible only on the basis of the development and application of new educational and training technologies aimed at conscious motor activity of female students of higher education institutions in the chosen sport.


  • The reforms carried out in the modern system of higher education have deeply affected the physical education of student youth

  • The most important role in the general and professional development of students of higher education institutions belongs to physical education, both as a discipline and as one of the subsystems of the holistic pedagogical process

  • One of the ways to solve this problem is to reorient the target programs of different types of physical culture to meet the needs of personal orientations, interests and personal goals of each student, more fully take into account the level of physical development and physical fitness, targeted use of training loads

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Одним із шляхів вирішення даної проблеми є переорієнтація цільових програм різних видів фізичної культури на максимально можливе задоволення потреб (особистісних орієнтацій, інтересів та особистих цілей) кожного студента, більш повне врахування рівня фізичного розвитку і фізичної підготовленості, цілеспрямоване використання тренувальних навантажень, що відповідають обраному виді рухової діяльності. Це стає можливим тільки на основі розробки і застосування нових освітньо-тренувальних технологій, спрямованих на усвідомлену рухової діяльності студенток закладів вищої освіти в обраному виді спорту.

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