
The theoretical aspects of formation of purposefulness in the students of youth by means of physical education are covered in the article. After all, the modern educational process requires the formation of a purposeful personality with the use of effective traditional and new pedagogical conditions, content, forms and methods of sports and mass work. It has been found that the problem of increasing the efficiency of physical education and health promotion of student youth is one of the most urgent ones. Also, through the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, it is established that the study is necessary for modern youth, since students are less interested in physical education, sports sections, physical education circles and independent classes, etc. Emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of sports and play activities as an effective means of forming students' purposefulness through physical education.
 Physical education in institutions of higher education is one of the conditions of comprehensive personality development and an important means of forming the purposefulness and other moral and will qualities of student youth. The study of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that in recent years much attention of Ukrainian scientists has been attracted to the research of the problem of physical education of student youth. However, the problem of targeting in the youth of students with the means of physical education remains unsolved.
 Educating students' purposefulness is an extremely important scientific challenge because commitment as a willed quality allows the individual to realize their own desires, needs, interests and motives in pursuit of the goal. It should be emphasized that the effectiveness of students' goal-setting depends on the implementation of a four-stage process of personality ascension and so on.


  • The structure and content of training microcycles of various orientations depending on the characteristics of competitive exercises

  • М. Редько // Науковий часопис Серія 15 «Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури /фізична культура і спорт/» Випуск 3К (84) 17

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ФОРМУВАННЯ ЦІЛЕСПРЯМОВАНОСТІ В СТУДЕНТСЬКОЇ МОЛОДІ ЗАСОБАМИ ФІЗИЧНОГО ВИХОВАННЯ У статті висвітлено теоретичні аспекти формування цілеспрямованості в студентської молоді засобами фізичного виховання. З’ясовано, що проблема підвищення ефективності формування цілеспрямованості засобами фізичного виховання й зміцнення здоров’я студентської молоді є однією з найбільш актуальних.

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