
The article reveals the essence and content of the concept of «health-preserving technologies in the system of physical education of student youth». Goal. Disclosure of the peculiarities of the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions. Methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; analysis of regulatory and program-methodical documents in the field of physical culture and sports. Results. Based on the analysis and generalization of the philosophical, pedagogical, psychological and physical education literature, the essence and content of the concepts of «technology», «health-preserving technologies» were clarified, and the essence and content of the concept «health-preserving technologies in the system of physical education of student youth». Health-preserving technologies in the system of physical education are considered as a system of health-physical activities and methodical techniques that ensure the formation, strengthening and preservation of the health of students and direct the educational process to the formation of health-preserving and health-developing competencies, healthy lifestyle skills life and relevant culture of health. Conclusions. The analysis and generalization of scientific literature regarding the disclosure of the essence and content of the concept of «health-preserving technologies» makes it possible to understand it as a systematic method of programming goals, constructing content, methods, means of education and training, aimed at increasing the level of individual health, forming a health-preserving and health-developmental competences and the creation of a health-preserving educational environment in an educational institution under the conditions of monitoring the health of the subjects of the educational process.

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