
The purpose of the work was to clarify the views of the authors on the preparation for a meaningful process of physical exercises of students of higher education through the methodical use of isometric exercises; an analysis of their use in various types of training process was carried out and the relevance of their use during physical education classes of students was emphasized. The authors reviewed modern publications on the organization of the educational process in extreme conditions of martial law and the use of physical culture tools in order to adapt to the stressful conditions of life in situations of air alarms, power outages and lack of communication. The novelty of the study should be considered the views proposed by the authors on the formation of the skills of the meaningful use of physical education tools and the focus on the relevance of the use of isometric exercises in the process of preparing students for independent classes. The conclusions emphasize that the preparation of students for the conscious use of physical culture means in the modern period should involve the introduction of a wide range of educational directions. The authors point out the role and significance, features of the use of isometric exercises in sports, health and psychophysical training and reveal the relevance for the process of forming students' skills to consciously and meaningfully use the means of physical culture.

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