Turkish abstract: Kamuoyunda Sansur Yasasi olarak bilinen, sosyal medyaya yonelik duzenlemeler getiren ve 5651 sayili Internet Yasasi'nda 1 degisiklikler yapan 7253 sayili Kanun 2 , Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nce (TBMM) 29.07.2020 tarihinde kabul edildi. Bu kisa yazimizda; degisikliklerin neler getirdigini aciklamaya, neden degisikliklerin oldukca sakincali oldugu, ornek alindigi belirtilen Almanya'daki duzenlemeden ne gibi olumsuz yonde farkliliklar icerdigi ve Anayasa'ya aykiri olup olmadigi degerlendirmeye calisacagiz. Temel olarak sosyal medya uzerinde etkiler doguracak yasal duzenlemeler, onemli bir suredir konusulmaktadir. Bu amacla ilk olarak; 7244 sayili Torba Yasa Tasarisi'nda benzer yondeki degisikliklere iliskin teklif sunulmus, bu teklif kamuoyunda Whatsapp Yasasi olarak anilmis ve buyuk olcude tepki toplamis, teklif sonrasinda tasaridan cikarilmistir. Devaminda kamuoyuna Sosyal Medya Etik Kurallari adi altinda on iki kural aciklanmistir. 21.07.2020 tarihinde ise yeni bir tasari TBMM Baskanligi'na sunulmus ve TBMM Adalet Komisyonu tarafindan 24.07.2020 tarihinde kabul edilerek Meclis gundemine gelmistir. English Abstract: : Public opinion on the Censorship Act, known as the arrangements for bringing social media and Internet Act of 5651 makes changes to the 7253 No. 2 1 Turkey Grand National Assembly (''Parliament'') adopted on 29.07.2020. In this short article; We will try to explain what the changes bring, why the changes are quite objectionable, what kind of negative differences they contain from the regulation in Germany, which is said to be taken as an example, and whether they are against the Constitution. Legal regulations that will have an impact on social media have been spoken for a long time. For this purpose, firstly; A proposal regarding similar changes in the Bag Draft No. 7244 was made, this proposal was publicly mention as the Whatsapp Law and it received a great deal of reaction and was removed from the draft following the proposal. Subsequently, twelve rules were announced to the public under the name of Social Media Code of Ethics. On 21.07.2020, a new draft was submitted to the Presidency of the TBMM and it was accepted by the TBMM Justice Commission on 24.07.2020 and came to the agenda of the Assembly.
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