
Ozet: Bu calisma, isitme engelliler ortaokulunda okuyan ogrencilerin DKAB dersine yonelik tutumlarini tespit etmek amaciyla hazirlanmistir. Bu amacla, dokuz sorudan olusan bir anket formu olusturulmus, Amasya ve Samsun illerinde bulunan iki isitme engelliler ortaokulunda uygulama yapilmistir. Anket 63 ogrenciye uygulanmis ve verilen cevaplar bilgisayar ortamina aktarilarak yorumlanmistir. Yorumlar yapilirken, calisma esnasinda yapilan gozlemlerden de yararlanilmistir. Buna gore, isitme engelli ogrencilerin DKAB dersini cok sevdikleri ancak konularin ve ders kitabinin anlasilmasinda bazi sorunlar yasadiklari tespit edilmistir. Calisma kapsaminda, bu sorunlarin olusmasinda rol oynayan etkenler uzerinde durulmus ve isitme engelli ogrencilerin din egitiminin onundeki engellerin kaldirilmasina yonelik onerilerde bulunulmustur. Anahtar kelimeler: Isitme engeli, isitme engelliler ortaokulu, din egitimi, Din Kulturu ve Ahlak Bilgisi Dersi. Attitudes and Assessments of the Students Studying at the Secondary School for the Children with Hearing Impairments towards the Course of Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge: The Case of Amasya and Samsun Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to examine the hearing impaired students’ attitudes towards the course of Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge. For this purpose, a questionnaire consisting of nine questions was developed and administered to two secondary schools for hearing impaired students living in Amasya and Samsun. This survey was administered to 63 hearing impaired students and the answers given by these students were transferred to the computer and were interpreted. While making comments, it was benefited from the observations made during the study. As a result, it was found that hearing impaired students like the religious education classes but there are some problems about understanding of the subjects and the textbook. In the study, it was focused on the factors that cause those problems and made some suggestions towards to the removal of obstacles from the religious education of hearing impaired students. Keywords: Hearing impairment, secondary school for the children with hearing impairments, religious education, Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Course.

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