
Subject of the Study; Examining the content of Alevism and Bektashism in the Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge textbooks. The scope of work; It consists of 7th grade textbooks of Planet Publishing and 12th grade textbooks of Gün Publishing, which were prepared as a result of the curriculum created in 2018 and approved by the Ministry of Education Education and Discipline Board with the decision of 78 numbers on May 28, 2018. Likewise; Alevism and Bektashism are only covered in 7th and 12th grade DKAB textbooks. Our problem in the study is to evaluate the aspect of the content related to Alevism and Bektashism in the Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge curriculum. Alevism and Bektashism, in the 5th unit of the 7th grade Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge textbook and in the 3rd units of the 12th grade Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge textbook, under the title of Sufi Interpretations in Islamic Thought, he had a detailed knowledge area called “Alevism and Bektashism”. It has been brought together with students from many frameworks and a comprehensive content has been created. It is necessary to make the books a correct information content and to give the students the real information they will encounter in the society. For this reason, it becomes necessary to examine the information in the books.Examining how the concepts and subjects related to Alevism and Bektashism are handled in the books, understanding and explaining Alevism and Bektashism correctly reveals the importance of our study. The aim of our study is to investigate and evaluate which concepts or peoples belonging to Alevism and Bektashism are included in the Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge books. The main sources of our work; Religious Culture and Moral Education Curriculum (Primary School 4th, Secondary School 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grades), Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Curriculum (High School 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Grades), 7th and 12th Grades. class Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge textbooks. Qualitative approach and literature review method were used in our study. When we come to the conclusion of the study; The state, by addressing the members of the tradition, reflected their understanding in the curriculum. However, we could not find an expression that would include the characteristics of all the common acceptances in all groups evaluated under the roof of Alevism and Bektashism. Criticisms such as distorting the information given by using the main sources of this Alevi and Bektashi tradition, Buyruk and Maqalat, have been blocked. In addition, the concepts of Alevism and Bektashism were evaluated as 'same', their differences were not included, and this situation was not an accurate definition. It would be beneficial for the content of the subject to be researched more comprehensively by experts and for the Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge branch teachers to be subjected to seminars and trainings in order to be informed about the subject.

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