
OZET: Bu arastirma, Erzurum ili Hinis ilcesinde faaliyet gosteren sigircilik isletmelerinin barinak ozellikleri hakkinda ayrintili bilgi edinmek uzere yurutulmustur. Bu amacla, 378 adet sigircilik isletme sahibi ile yuz yuze anket yapilarak elde edilen veriler degerlendirilmistir. Degiskenler arasindaki iliskilerin belirlenmesi amaciyla da ki-kare testi yapilmistir. Hinis ilcesinde en sik gorulen ahir tipinin bagli duraksiz kapali ahir (% 51.5) oldugu, ahir yapisinin isletme sahiplerinin sagliklarini (% 88.8), ineklerin sut verimini (% 88.6) ve hayvanlarin gelisimini (% 81.0) olumsuz etkiledigi tespit edilmistir. Isletmelerin % 81.0’i yataklik kullanmazken, yataklik kullananlarin ise daha cok kuru gubre kullanimini (% 63.3) tercih etmislerdir. Isletmelerin % 61.3’unde buzagilara ait ozel bir bolme bulundugu, ahirlarin % 74.9’unda inekler icin dogum bolmesi olmadigi; duve, dana ve kurudaki ineklerin birlikte (% 84.3) barindirildiklari belirlenmistir. Isletmelerin % 84.1’inde ahirdaki gubre elle supurme yoluyla temizlenmekte, gubreyi cok buyuk oranda ahir yakininda acikta (% 80.3) depolamaktadirlar. Isletmelerin % 69.9’u gubreyi tarlada gubre olarak, %13.4’ unun yakacak olarak kullandigi, % 11.8’inin ise sattigi tespit edilmistir. Isletmelerin % 72.1’i kisin ahir ici sicakliginin ilik, % 27.3’u ise sicak oldugunu, % 84.0’u ahir ici sicakliginin ilik olmasi halinde hayvanlarin rahat ettigi ve sut verimlerinin yukseldigini belirtmislerdir. Sonuc olarak Hinis ilcesinde barinak ve cevre yapisi ozellikleri bakimindan bircok eksikliklerinin bulundugu ve ahir tipi, yapisi, havalandirma, aydinlatma, yataklik kullanimi, gubre degerlendirme vb. konularda iyilestirme calismalarina ihtiyaci oldugu ortaya konulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler : Ahir tipi, yataklik, havalandirma, aydinlatma, gubre degerlendirme A Study on the Characteristics of the Barns in Hinis County of Erzurum Province ABSTRACT: The study was carried out to obtain detailed information about characteristics of barns in the cattle farm enterprises in Hinis County of Erzurum Province. For this purpose, data obtained from a survey that was conducted face to face with 378 of owners of the enterprises were assessed. Chi-square Test was used in order to determine relationships among the variables. It was revealed that the most common type of the barns was tied-free stall barns (% 51.5), and types of the barn affected adversely on the health of the owners of the enterprises (% 88.8), on the milk yield of the cows (% 88.6) as well as on the growth of the animals (% 81.0). While 81.0 of the enterprises did not use bedding material, 63.3 % of the enterprises which were using bedding material preferred commonly to use dried manure. Besides, It was found out that 61.3 % of the enterprises had special compartment for calves, but 74.9 % of the barns did not contain delivery chamber, and heifers, older calves as well as dry cows were housed together (% 84.3). In 84.1 % of the enterprises, manure in the barn was cleaned by sweeping with a broom, and then the manure was generally stored next to the barn without covering. It was also revealed that 69.9 % of the enterprises used the manure in their fields as fertilizer, and 13.4 % of them utilized as fuel for heating, and 11.8 % of the enterprise sold to others. 72.1 % and 27.3 % of the enterprises had warm and hot barns respectively, and 84.0 % of the owners of the enterprises told that if their barns are warm, their animals will feel comfortable and their milk yield will increase. In conclusion, there are several deficiencies concerning features of the barns and their environments in Hinis County, and the county needs improvements in terms of types of barn , barn ventilation, lighting, usage of bedding and manure subjects. Key Words : Type of barn, bedding material, ventilation, lighting and usage of manure

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