A current-mode State-Controlled Cellular Neural Network (SC-CNN) cell based on current conveyors (CCIIs) and multi-output current conveyors (MOCCII) is presented in this paper. Different from the voltage-mode SC-CNN cell whose state variable is voltage signal, the current-mode SC-CNN cell takes current signal as its state variable. A current-mode SC-CNN-based chaotic circuit is developed by using the suitable connection of three current-mode SC-CNN cells. When compared with the existing voltage-mode chaotic circuits, the proposed current-mode chaotic circuit can operate at higher frequency ranges. In addition to this, state currents can be directly obtained at high impedance outputs of MOCCIIs. Furthermore, all elements in this circuit are grounded, thus it is very suitable for integrated circuit (IC) fabrication. Pspice simulations are given to demonstrate the dynamical behaviors of the proposed circuit and its high frequency performance.
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