Attaining low energy consumption in digital circuits design is a main task for designers because emerging applications are based on batteries and face limited-energy. Designing digital circuits with application to multiple-valued logic (MVL) and graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor (GNRFET) provides a huge improvement in energy consumption. In this regard, this paper presents a novel ternary Half-Adder (THA) implemented with metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS)-type GNRFET. In the proposed THA, the Sum circuit is based on a combination of 3:1 ternary multiplexer, unary operators, and two supply voltages (dual-VDD), and the Carry circuit is based on unary operators, pass-transistor logic, and dual-VDD. The proposed THA is simulated using the 32-nm MOS-type GNRFET technology node at 0.9 V supply voltage in the HSPICE simulator. The proposed THA reduces the transistors count by 5.71–26.67% compared to the previously published THA circuits available in the literature, which are similar to the proposed THA from the design approach point of view. It is concluded from the simulation results that the proposed THA improves the power and energy consumptions by 83.33–91.41% and 66.38–82.27%, respectively. Moreover, the proposed THA is also designed and simulated using the Stanford 32-nm carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNTFET) technology. The proposed MOS-type GNRFET-based THA reduces the power and energy consumptions by 84.79% and 68.03%, respectively, and increases the delay by 2.12 × compared to its CNTFET-based counterpart. Moreover, the proposed CNTFET-based THA offers the second-lowest delay and power and the third-lowest energy compared to other existing CNTFET-based THA circuits.
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