Civil War literature tells of generals and campaigns and battles. Few books or articles chronicle quiet but desperate struggle to provide adequate medical care for thousands of wounded soldiers left in wake of clashing armies. Nevertheless, often nightmarish world of Civil War medical care should be of considerable interest to anyone who seeks to understand military, scientific, or social aspects of war. Special Collections department of University of Arkansas Libraries, Fayetteville, holds a small but valuable collection of documents written by a Federal surgeon and his son while serving in Arkansas. documents provide a rare view of treatment of wounded soldiers after battle of Prairie Grove. They also contain interesting information about life in and around Fayetteville during a time of travail. fighting at Prairie Grove on December 7, 1862, was extremely intense and casualties were heavy. Federal records state that Army of Frontier lost 1251 men (175 killed, 813 wounded, and 263 missing). Confederate records, less reliable and probably conservative, indicate that First Corps of Trans-Mississippi Army lost at least 1317 men (164 killed, 817 wounded, and 336 missing). The troops of enemy were armed with Enfield Austrian muskets, shot guns, and a few squirrel rifles, observed a Federal surgeon. Most of severer wounds were caused by conical bullets; but nearness of contending forces at times gave to round balls nearly same penetrating and crushing effect. Another Federal medical officer added that armies were engaged at such murderously close range that most of balls passed entirely through, causing lacerated wounds of a terrible character.1 After Confederates withdrew, victorious Federals found themselves overwhelmed by number of wounded, both their own and those left behind by enemy. Little in way of additional medical expertise or supplies could be found in war-ravaged frontier region of northwestern Arkansas. A civilian doctor described situation: wounded from this battle were removed to Fayetteville, and public buildings and private houses were taken for hospitals; but there was a great deficiency of means to take proper care of men, town and country around it having been greatly impoverished by war, and inhabitants being of poorest class. There was no adequate supply of bandages, lint, bedding, stimulants, nor means of fitting up empty houses and making them comfortable, nor of cooking food. A minister in Fayetteville recorded that the number of wounded was so great, and supplies so scanty, that for a few days little I was able to furnish them seemed luxurious when compared with coarse fare with which they were served. These observers might also have noted that Army of Frontier was short of skilled medical personnel, for some of Federal regimental surgeons and assistant surgeons were practitioners of dubious quality. A medical crisis of serious proportions was developing in aftermath of Prairie Grove.2 Military authorities in St. Louis responded as best they could to grim news from northwest Arkansas. Dr. Ira Russell and several other capable surgeons were dispatched to Fayetteville from St. Louis. Russell was a prominent Massachusetts physician with considerable medical and administrative skills. He had risen rapidly in army since joining Eleventh Massachusetts Infantry as regimental surgeon in 1861. He quickly was promoted to brigade surgeon, commissioned an officer in United States Volunteers, and sent to Baltimore to establish a military hospital. His success in Baltimore resulted in his being assigned to St. Louis in November 1862 to establish a similar hospital there. Several weeks later, he was hurrying to Arkansas accompanied by his sons Fred and Erwin, who served as his clerks and aides. …
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