Previous investigations have shown that axosomatic junctions are not numerous on pyramidal neurons [2, 12] and are rare on neurons of sympathetic ganglia [3, 8, 13, 14]. Our observations showed that there are 3.70 0.22 axosomatic junctions with a junction length of 0.85 0.05 D and with an area of axon of 0.53 0.06 D2 per 10Dperimeter of a pyramidal neuron in young rats. The corresponding figures for old rats were 3.50 0.23 and 0.94 0.09 D and 0.58 i 0.08 ~2. In the celiac ganglia of young rats there were 1.5 0.44 axosomatic junctions per neuron and 2.35 0.47 in old rats. The axon diameter was 0.58 0.035 in the young rats and 0.77 f 0.033 ~ in the old. Axons forming synapses were found mainly in transverse section (Figs. 2 and 4). These transverse profiles could belong to "en passant" terminals and to terminal axon expansions.
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