Organic vertical transistors are promising device with advantages such as high operation speed, high saturation current density, and low-voltage operation due to their short channel length. However, a short channel length causes undesirably high off-current, which affects the on–off ratio and power consumption. This study presents a breakthrough in the development of high-performance organic Schottky barrier transistors (OSBTs) with a low off-current by utilizing a near-ideal source electrode with a web-like Ag nanowire (AgNW) morphology. This is achieved by employing a humidity- and surface-tension-mediated liquid-film rupture technique, which facilitates the formation of well-connected AgNW networks with large pores between them. Therefore, the gate electric field is effectively transmitted to the semiconductor layer. Also, the minimized surface area of the AgNWs causes complete suppression of the off-current and induces ideal saturation of the OSBT output characteristics. p- and n-type OSBTs exhibit off-currents in the picoampere range with on/off ratios exceeding 106 and 105, respectively. Furthermore, complementary inverters are prepared using an aryl azide cross-linker for patterning, with a gain of >16. This study represents a significant milestone in the development of high-performance organic vertical transistors and verifies their applicability in organic electronic circuitry.
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