The paper deals with variable case suffixes having double vowel, differing by the presence/absence of a coaffix - ла and the presence/absence of an anlaut vowel. On the material of the Udmurt language Corpus the quantitative ratio of variable suffixes is revealed and the conditions of functioning of non-standard suffixes in the modern Udmurt language are analyzed. Suffixes that differ in vowels have instrumental, prolative and illative. Comparison of the degree of variation of suffixes showed that in the modern Udmurt language the process of unification of instrumental vocalization continues. The number of nouns accepting the instrumental exponent only with the vowel ы decreases; in parallel, the number of nouns admitting the suffix with double vowel and only with the vowel э increases. The variable suffixes of prolative and illative allow separate nouns with a variable root morpheme, which is represented by allomorphs differing by the presence/absence of a vowel ( кенос/кенс- ‘barn’, сэрег / сэрг- ‘corner’, etc.), and allomorphs differing by the presence/absence of a final consonant к ( кус/куск - ‘loin’, нюлэс/нюлэск - ‘forest’, etc.). Only related root allomorphs accept the suffix with vowel - ы . Variable suffixes, differing by the presence/absence of the coaffix -ла , allow open toponyms in illative ( -ла ~ -e ), inessive ( -лан ~ -ын ), elative ( -лась ~ -ысь ), egressive ( -ласен ~ -ысен ). In the modern Udmurt language, the correlation between variable suffixes is approximately equal, but there is a tendency to displace suffixes with coaffix -ла by standard suffixes. Individual nouns ending in a , ( корка ‘ouse, hut’, куа , куала ‘anctuary; summer kitchen’ кунокуа ‘otel’) in inessive ( -н ~ -ын ), elative ( -сь ~ -ысь ), egressive ( -сен ~ -ысен ) and prolative ( -тü ~ -етü ) allow variable suffixes, differing by the presence/absence of a vowel, illative has a suffix -е and zero morpheme. The degree of variation of suffixes depends on lexical and semantic conditions. Formants without anlaut vowel remain the preferred with the lexeme корка ‘house, hut’. It is established that in the modern Udmurt language the relation between variable forms changes, the sphere of functioning of all types of non-standard suffixes decreases. The variability of suffixes testifies to rather long preservation of proto-linguistic morphonological features and slow intra-linguistic unification of case suffixes.
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