The article examines the concept of the rule of law in the context of the political and legal views of Friedrich Hayek, a famous Austrian economist and philosopher who had a significant impact on modern political and legal theory. The article examines the essence of the concept of «rule of law» from the point of view of F. Hayek, and also analyzes his vision of the interaction of law, the state, and society. The main aspects of the concept of the rule of law, which F. Hayek developed in his writings, are considered. The views of F. Hayek on the role of the state in ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, the influence of legal norms on the functioning of the economy and society as a whole are analyzed.
 Attention is drawn to the fact that F. Hayek was one of the most influential economists and philosophers of the 20th century, who defended the ideas of classical liberalism and criticized socialism, interventionism and collectivism. It is shown that in the views of F. Hayek, the rule of law is a necessary condition for the development of freedom, democracy and market economy and actually means that laws should be general, abstract, stable, known and fair, and not aimed at achieving certain goals or interests. Such laws create equal conditions for all market participants and allow the use of scattered knowledge that exists in society.
 The concept of the rule of law is studied in the context of classical liberal ideas and ideals. It is analyzed how F.\ Hayek perceived the idea of limiting the power of the state through legal mechanisms and means protecting the individual rights of citizens. Within the framework of F. Hayek’s political and legal views, special emphasis is placed on the idea of «constitutional liberalism» and the determination of the limits of power. It is studied how these ideas contributed to the formation of the rule of law as a system that guarantees a balance between individual freedoms and the need for state regulation. The main aspects of F. Hayek’s philosophical and political views are highlighted, which have become key to understanding the essence and significance of the rule of law in modern legal discourse.
 The interaction between the rule of law and the economy is analyzed, paying special attention to F. Hayek’s contribution to the formation of the concept and the development of relevant practices. Key aspects such as the role of law, property, and market relations in the context of the rule of law are considered. It is highlighted how F. Hayek determined the importance of the legal foundation for ensuring the stability, transparency and efficiency of the economic environment. In addition, attention is drawn to F. Hayek’s views on the role of the law as a stabilizing factor that should protect the rights of citizens and ensure the efficient operation of economic structures.