
The relevance of the research is determined by the need to disclose the political and legal concepts used by P.A. Stolypin during the first Russian Revolution and the beginning of forming the constitutional political system in Russia. Solving this problem makes it possible to better understand the ideas of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, who played a significant role in developing the government’s reform program during the first Russian Revolution, and assess its compliance with historical time. The novelty of the research lies in studying the influence of historical circumstances on P.A. Stolypin’s ideological design of the course aimed at creating a state governed by the rule of law, as well as at identifying its political values, which determined the main tasks of its activities. The purpose of the study is to study the influence of historical circumstances on the ideological justification of P.A. Stolypin’s state activities during the years of the revolutionary crisis and transformation of the political system in Russia, in the analysis of his political discourse. Materials and methods of the study. The source base of the work was made up of speeches by P.A. Stolypin and deputies of the State Duma in 1906–1907. The work is carried out in the context of the theory of political modernization and the axiological approach, which obliges to identify the system of values that determined the worldview of a historical personality. Study results. In the new Russian historical conditions – the beginning of creating a constitutional state, arbitrariness of left–wing parties, criticism of government policy by Constitutional Democrats – the «healthy forces» in power actualized the task of creating the rule of law, offering their own version of its functioning: representative institutions are engaged in legislative work within their powers and recognize the prerogatives of the emperor. There was there is much concern about the authorities’ choice of means to combat to preserve the statehood and order. In Stolypin’s understanding, the priorities of the government should be to restore order in the interests of all compatriots. He disagreed with the liberals’ view that the government sought to govern on the basis of «exceptional laws,» saying that it was the duty of the authorities to preserve order. The government must fight destructive forces with all measures,» therefore, Stolypin believed, the government can resort to extraordinary means to prevent destruction of statehood and seizure of power by rebels. Conclusions. The formation of the political discourse of the Prime Minister Stolypin was influenced by such historical circumstances as creation of a constitutional political system in 1905–1906, emergence of «healthy forces» in power capable of carrying out reforms, the activities of liberal parties demanding the rule of law, activation of a left-wing radical movement focused on destruction of the existing system. Stolypin thought through and ideologically justified the program, which was based on indisputable national values: integrity and greatness of Russia, strong statehood, legality, welfare and education of people, preservation of culture created by many generations of ancestors. Stolypin’s discourse was defined by the era of transition from autocracy to the rule of law, when a conflict arose between the value system of traditionalists, liberals and radicals. Maneuvering, Stolypin simultaneously formed the ideological foundations of the rule of law and protection of the management system by repressive means.

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