In The Russian Federation, the current epidemic situation of tuberculosis is characterized by stabilization and decreasing of morbidity with simultaneous increasing of number of cases of tuberculosis combined with HIV infection within the structure of newly diagnosed diseases and contingents of patients with tuberculosis. In the Siberian Federal Okrug, the indices of morbidity of tuberculosis combined with HIV infection exceed similar ones by almost twice that testifies significant input into burden of morbidity of tuberculosis in the subjects of the Siberian Federal District and their role in further dynamics of morbidity. The shift in morbidity of tuberculosis combined with HIV infection towards increasing of age both in patients with diagnosed HIV infection for the first time and in entire accumulated contingent of HIV patients. The positive dynamics of indices of efficiency of anti-tuberculosis measures in contingents of HIV-infected patients being registered testifies availability of reserves for improving medical care quality. The priority directions of developing program activities to achieve control over spreading of tuberculosis combined with HIV infection are early detection and increasing of commitment to dispensary observation of patients with HIV infection and decreasing infection of population with tuberculosis and increasing efficiency of treatment of patients with tuberculosis.
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