
One of the factors that has an impact on life and threatens human health is climate. so has been significant climate change in recent decades. Infectious disease variety can be affected by climate change and will increase when risk of transmission. One of them is (TB)Tuberculosis has become equally interesting monitoringalongsympathizer data from various studies in various contruction and arrangement. (TB) Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease caused by the bacteria complex tuberculosis mycobabterium that can spread through tiny airborne droplets, which affect the lungs and spread by coughing or sneezing from one person to another. Tuberculosis can spread to other human organs classified the skin, intestines, sexual organs, urinary tract, and bones. With recent advances in case detection, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care, tuberculosis is still commitments for an estimated 8.6 million new infections and 1.3 million deaths annually worldwide. The WHOassumptions that around 10 million people will have Tuberculosis worldwide in 2019. WHO sets a goal of reducing Tuberculosis morbidity and mortality by 90% and 95%, respectively, between 2015-2035. accurately predicts this epidemic trend. can help estimate peak likelihood and provide a reference for Tuberculosis prevention and control. The purpose of writing this review article is to determine the impact of climate change with the incidence of tuberculosis. The method in this study is a systematic review. The 10 articles obtained the combination, terms and keywords “climate, weather and disease” the result is that climate change creates new transmission opportunities for airborne infections in warm temperature. so that there is a relationship between air temperature and tuberculosis. Solutions to efforts to improve living standards and cutinterna air pollution may be as important as TB-specific observation. This broad public health and ecological emphasis provides broad and synergistic benefits to individuals and communities driven by tuberculosis. The new focus on the importance of Tuberculosis prevention will serve to receive both the profound social nature of the disease and the nature of our response which must be holistic.

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