At the growth energy study’s process, the repair heifers’ live weight and various ages cows’ milk production, a significant superiority in these indicators among the peers of the black-and-white breed over the red steppe ones was revealed. During the 12-month growing period, red steppe heifers had an average daily increase in 82 g, and the live weight was almost in 50 kg lower than that of black-and-white ones. The of black-and-white cows milk production exceeded the first lactation in 376 kg, and the third and older lactations - in 774 kg of milk, by the mass fraction of fat and protein - in 63 kg and 57 kg, respectively. On average, from one red steppe cow in 16,8 thousand rubles lesser money per year than from one black-and-white one was received. From each cow of the analyzed breeds, on the farm an average of 20 kop. of profit for every ruble spent was received. So at black-and-white cows using, it becomes possible from each cow almost 700 kg of commercial milk more than from the red steppe one to receive. To ensure the studied livestock breeds’ genetic potential manifestation on the farm having, it is necessary the cultivation of young animals in the postdairy period to intensify and cows’ feeding level by ration enriching with protein feeds to increase. To increase the commercial milk’s amount, it is advisable the number of black-and-white cows to increase.
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