
Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of a tincture from the fruit of Anethum graveolens L. (dill tincture) when used as a sensory additive in feed and water for drinking for all animal species. The product is a ■■■■■ solution, with a dry matter content of approximately 0.9%. The product contained 0.0247% polyphenols (of which 0.0137% were flavonoids) and 0.003% carvone. Estragole was present at concentrations between the limit of detection and the limit of quantification in the five batches examined. The Panelon Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) concluded that the dill tincture is safe at the maximum proposed use levels of 200mg/kg complete feed for horses and 50mg/kg complete feed for all other animal species. The FEEDAP Panelconsidered that the use in water for drinking is safe provided that the total daily intake of the additive does not exceed the daily amount which is considered safe when consumed via feed. No safety concern would arise for the consumer from the use of dill tincture up to the maximum proposed use levels in feed. Dill tincture should be considered as irritant to skin and eyes, and as a dermal and respiratory sensitiser. When handling the additive, exposure of unprotected users to estragole cannot be excluded. Therefore, to reduce the risk, the exposure of the users should be minimised. The use of dill tincture as a flavour in animal feed was not expected to pose a risk for the environment. Since the fruit of A. graveolens and its preparations were recognised to flavour food and their function in feed would be essentially the same as that in food, no further demonstration of efficacy was considered necessary.

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