Double injection is discussed for semiconductors heavily doped with deep recombination centers which act both as acceptors and donors. The current-voltage characteristics are derived using a generalization of the method due to Lampert for long structures in which diffusion can be neglected. Thermal emission from the traps and trapped space-charge effects are included. The resulting j- V curve shows in order of increasing current the following general features: an Ohmic regime, a low injection square law related to thermal emission, a negative resistance regime, a high injection square law, and finally a space-charge-limited cube law. A complete computer solution for the case of gold-doped silicon is given. Simple power laws for the various regimes, derived using the quasineutrality approximation, are found to agree well with the numerical solution. An expression is obtained for the voltage at the threshold of the negative resistance, and the effects of field dependent mobility are discussed quantitatively. Experimental results are presented for long (∼100 μm) gold-doped (∼10 16 cm −3) silicon p- i- n structures. The devices are fabricated from high purity n-type silicon, and large area alloy junctions are used. Pulsed I– V measurements at room temperature show an Ohmic regime, a square-law regime, and a negative resistance regime. These data are found to agree quantitatively with the theoretical calculations up to and including the onset of the negative resistance. In particular a strong temperature dependence is observed in the low injection square-law regime, which is different from that found in the Ohmic regime. This difference is explained in terms of the level structure of the gold impurity. The current for voltages above the onset of the negative resistance is approximately two orders of magnitude below the theoretical predictions. This indicates that filamentary conduction is probably occurring.