The presence of a clear criterion base will allow to determine the level of professional readiness of the future physical culture teacher for physical culture and recreational work. The purpose of the study is to develop criteria, indicators and characterize the level of readiness of future physical education teachers for physical education and recreational work with schoolchildren. Research material and methods. Research methods: theoretical – analysis of scientific and methodological and special literature, normative documents, dissertation works, systematization and generalization, modeling of the professional training process; empirical – survey, expert assessment; methods of mathematical statistics. Teachers, methodologists and physical culture teachers (n=12) took part in the study as experts. Research results. In accordance with the previously developed structural model of the readiness of future teachers for physical education and recreational work, the following criteria have been defined: value-motivational, cognitive-knowledge and special-methodical, which take into account the specifics of professional activity and contribute to the diagnosis of level changes in the formation of readiness to work in a health-preserving environment. Each criterion is revealed through a system of indicators that characterize it. The proposed criteria ensure the objectivity of the assessment, they are reliable and easily amenable to measurement by traditional methods of pedagogical research, including questionnaires, testing, observation, etc. Adequacy of criteria ensures their identity of readiness for physical culture and recreational work. The consistency of the examination provided a basis for calculating the weighting coefficients of the significance of the criteria. To determine the readiness of future teachers of physical culture, three levels are characterized: low, medium and high. Сonclusions. The results of the theoretical generalization allow us to state that the professional competence of physical education specialists consists of axiological, educational and activity components, the level of formation of which can be determined by value-motivational, cognitive-knowledge and special-methodological criteria.
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