The article is devoted to the problem of combating vibration and shock loads in the oil production industry. Described is a method of reducing loads due to the use of dampers in the design of devices. It is indicated that for damping vibration loads in mechanical engineering a wide range of design solutions is used using hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical systems and devices. The article compares the use of springs and elastomers as a damping element in mechanical structures of downhole devices. It is also indicated that it is recommended to use experimentally obtained dependencies to select the damping material of the elastomer: with vibration of forced vibrations from 13.5 to 23.5 Hz, the density of the material should be increased, and with forced vibrations from 25 to 50 Hz, on the contrary, the density of the material should be reduced.As a vibration-isolated object, the article considers the installations of electrically driven centrifugal pumps (ESP), in which, due to unstable operating conditions, modules are often divided with a fall («flight») at the bottomhole due to fatigue destruction of the connecting elements. Two patented structural solutions to combat vibration and impact loads due to inclusion of a damping module with an elastomer substrate made in one case with an external conical surface and in the other in the form of a cylindrical bushing are presented.In recent years, there has been a trend towards a decrease in the diameter of wells and, accordingly, casing pipes. Therefore, an ESP arrangement with a damping module with a substrate made in the form of a cylindrical sleeve is most acceptable. Since in this design it is possible to increase the damping capacity of the module by increasing the thickness of its substrate.For this damper design, a method for calculating the relative longitudinal compression strain of its elastic substrate has been developed. It is shown that in order to ensure radial extension of levers by the required value, it is necessary and sufficient to determine the maximum diameter of the deformed (compressed) cylindrical rubber bushing, which at the same time acquires a barrel-like shape with a curvature of the generatrix depending on the rubber material: density and tightening factor.
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