Abstract Test materials were applied to 20- to 30-year-old apple trees at Monmouth, Maine, as dilute sprays using a hand gun and a hydraulic sprayer operating at 250 psi at 350 (Test 1) to 400 gal/acre. Trees were sprayed on 10 May (prepink, PP), 28 May (petal fall, PF), 12 Jun (first cover, IC), 24 Jun (second cover, 2C), 7-8 Jul (third cover, 3C), 22-24 Jul (fourth cover, 4C), 5 Aug (fifth cover, 5C), 20-21 Aug (sixth cover, 6C), as noted in the table. The fungicide program consisted of Difolatan 4F (5 qt/100) on 25 Apr (quarter-inch green), Captan 80W (1 lb) plus Benlate 50W (4 oz) on 21 May (bloom) and with Funginex 1.6EC (13 oz) on 26 May and Polyram 80W (2 lb) which was mixed with each insecticide treatment at each spray date. There were 4 single tree replicates for each treatment. A randomized complete block design was used with 2 ‘Mcintosh’ and 2 ‘Cortland’ cultivars in Test 1 and 4 ‘Mcintosh’ in Test 2. Except for test trees, the orchards were not sprayed with insecticides or acaricides. On 28 Aug, about 450 apples were picked from the 4 trees of each treatment and examined on 6 Sep for external egg punctures (AM), egg-laying scars (PC), and typical feeding injuries (CM, LAW, and TPB). ERM were counted on 25 leaves collected at chest-height around the periphery of each tree. Leaves were brought into the laboratory and brushed onto glass plates coated with a Tween 20 and alcohol mixture; mites were counted the same day. Aphid counts were based on 10 randomly selected vegetative terminals around each tree. Numbers of live aphids on the distal 4 unfurled and 1 furled leaves and on the stem included by these leaves were recorded on 23 Jul (Test 1). Although May was fairly warm and wet, the rest of the season was cool and wet, especially the first half of Aug (4.8 inches rain). At least a trace of rain was recorded for over half the days during the season.
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