
Abstract ‘Russet Burbank’ potatoes were plantd on 13 Apr., in Ritzville silt loam soil (Mesic Calciorthidic Haploxerolls) pH 6.2 and organic matter 1.6% at Yakima, Wash. The insecticides were applied with a two-row, four nozzle (TeeJet AI 80015) portable boom CO2-powered sprayer at 50 lb/in2 in 50 gal of water per acre on 9 June. Each plot was two rows (34-in. row spacing) wide and 19 ft long. Each treatment was replicated four times in a randomized complete block design. The potato crop was sprinkler irrigated with 0.75 acre-inch applied at 5- to 7-day intervals, except the plots were irrigated on 8 June before treatment then on 16 June after the aphid counts. Twenty compound potato leaves were collected from the lower two-thirds of the plants on 10, 13, 16, and 24 June. The number of green peach aphids on the leaves were counted. The data were analyzed as a split-plot in time over the four counting dates.

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