The article studies the issues of assessing the state of fiscal capacity of the economies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Inter-budgetary transfers are important for ensuring the financial stability of economies and creating conditions for the implementation of socio-economic development programs of subjects. Because of this, it becomes relevant to administer the distribution and definition of criteria for the distribution of inter-budgetary transfers. The revenues volume indicators of the entities and federal districts with and without interbudgetary transfers, as well as their values per capita have been studied. The comparative analysis of the budget revenues and interbudgetary transfers dynamics has been carried out. The structure of interbudgetary transfers distribution among the regions has been assessed. Statistical characteristics of the interbudgetary transfers share in the revenues of the budgets of the entities showing their heterogeneity has been obtained. The fiscal capacity per capita indicators in the regions and their dynamics have been analyzed. The influence of inter-budgetary transfers on increasing the level of budgetary security of the population in the subjects of the Russian Federation is shown. The correlation per capita of interbudget transfers and gross regional product has been carried out, indicating their variability in time and space, as well as the presence of significant differentiation of their values in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.