The concept of a quantum node consisting of a memory qubit and a frequency convertor is proposed and analysed. The memory qubit is presented by a semiconductor four-level double quantum dot (DQD) placed in an optical microresonator (MR). The DQD contains an electron in the quantised part of the conduction band and the MR can be populated by a certain number of photons. The DQD and MR states are controlled be applying the laser and electrostatic fields. The difference between the telecommunication frequency of the photon (transport qubit) supplied to the system through a waveguide and the frequency of the electronic transition in the DQD is compensated for using an auxiliary element, i.e. a frequency convertor based on a single quantum dot (QD). This design allows the electron – photon state of the hybrid system to be controlled by an appropriate variation of the field parameters and the switching between resonance and nonresonance DQD and MR interaction regimes. As an example, a GaAs DQD placed in a microdisk MR is studied. A numerical technique for modelling an optical spectrum of a microdisk MR with an additional layer (AL) deposited on its surface is developed. Using this technique, the effect of the AL on the MR eigenmode properties is investigated and the possibility of tuning its frequency to the QD electronic transition frequency by depositing an AL on the disk surface is demonstrated.
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