Physics would like to know what electric charge is. As a matter property it generates EM fields, coupling constant,conserved current. Nevertheless Maxwell is uncomplete. It requires to be extended. An approach is supported byelectric charge transfer phenomenology. Consider on three flavours charges {+, 0, −} transmission.A generic electric charge is defined by the triad {+, 0, −}. It provides an exchange charge physics through thequadruplet {Aμ, Uμ, V ± μ }. An electromagnetic symmetry is constituted. It associates the four vectorial bosons. TheEM completeness of particles carrying three electric charges is found. A four photons EM is derived. It includes, Aμ asthe usual photon, Uμ massive photon, V±μ massive charged photons. A new electromagnetic physics is expressed through an enlarged abelian symmetry, Uq(1). Maxwell relationshipsbetween charge and fields are extended. Fields charges are more primitive than electric charge. Noether theoremimproves the attributes on electric charge conservation, symmetry equation and constraint. The symmetry equationwhich govern the electric charge dynamics shows a charge behaviour beyond matter, as fields flux. EM interaction isextended from fine structure constant to modulated and neutral charges.The four bosons electromagnetism introduces a non-univoque electromagnetic symmetry. A pluriformity of EM modelsis performed under similar abelian group, Uq(1). Opportunities for different EM models are constituted preservingcharge conservation law and sharing a common Lagrangian. Physical varieties on Noether theorem, fields strengths,Lagrangian coefficients, equations of motion, fields charges are expressed. Electric charge is englobed by fields charges.The simplest four bosons model is selected. That one which fields strengths are gauge invariants. Propitiatingmeasurable granular and collective fields strenghts. Four kinds of charges are expressed through equations of motion.Electric, modulate, neutral and Bianchi. Allowing to include new EM sectors. Extend Maxwell for nonintegers charges,nonlinearity, neutral EM, spintronics, weak interactions, photonics. A new EM energy emerges.
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