
Total sputtering yield and spatial distributions of sputtered atoms are important for numerous deposition techniques. We performed SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) simulations to analyze the total sputtering yield and angular distribution of sputtered atoms for a range of single-element target materials. The simulations were conducted for normal argon ion incidence in the 300–1200 eV range and at an oblique angle for selected ion energies. We examined the total and differential sputtering yields for the transition metals in the periods 4–6 and groups 4–6 (Ti, V, Cr; Zr, Nb, Mo; Hf, Ta, and W) and group 11 (Cu, Ag, and Au) of the periodic table, and other materials that are relevant to sputtering (B and C; Al and Si). For the transition metals, the total sputtering yield increases with the group of the periodic table. The elements in group 4 (i.e., Ti, Zr, and Hf) have the lowest sputtering yield, while the elements in group 11 (i.e., Cu, Ag, and Au) exhibit the highest sputtering yield. The angular distribution of the sputtered atoms shows a cosine distribution for the transition metal atoms. The angular distribution of the sputtered atoms for the oblique ion incidence is more asymmetric for the lower ion energies, while for the higher ion energies, the atoms are sputtered more symmetrically. The symmetry also depends on the group of the periodic table and the atomic mass of the target material. The elements in group 11 show the most symmetric distribution, while the elements in group 4 experience the most asymmetric distribution. Furthermore, in an individual group, the distribution becomes more symmetric with heavier target elements. We also examined in detail the influence of the surface binding energy, atomic mass, and ion energy on the total sputtering yield. These parameters were analyzed with regard to the simplified analytical formula for the total sputtering yield, which was derived by Sigmund. This formula was modified by introducing a power fitting parameter, which accounts for the non-linear sputtering yield dependence on the ion energy. The equation provided good estimates for the total sputtering yield of the transition metals that were sputtered by argon ions with energies up to 1200 eV.

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