
In contemporary times, with the development of multimedia technology, especially in consideration of the advantages of multimedia technology in performance, dance, as an expressive art, is bound to be concatenated with multimedia technology to enrich its form of display. The influence of multimedia technology in dance choreography on dance works and the effect of multimedia technology itself on dance choreography are worth further discussion. There is no doubt that with the application of multimedia technology in the dance field, choreographers have more open and creative ideas. Perhaps, in view of the role of multimedia technology in dance creation, the involvement of various disciplines and different technologies in dance choreography would expand in the future. However, it is necessary to consider the integration of new technologies, especially the negative impact of their improper use on the expression of dance works. Therefore, this study aims to explore the elements and relations between multimedia technology and dance choreography in the new era, seek for methods and rules of multimedia technology in dance creation, pursue its positive significance, and provide certain theoretical reference for the creation of dance works through multimedia technology.

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