
Reforming modern education involves updating educational technologies, in particular, the introduction of information and communication technologies in accordance with the requirements of the time. The author proved that the informatization of education presupposes the presence of a certain concept, specific managerial and pedagogical activities, the introduction of informational teaching methods. Consideration of the problem of informatization management of the educational institution in the scientific discourse provides an opportunity to reveal the essential characteristics of the researched process. The study of the problem of management of informatization of an educational institution through scientific discourse allows to detail the main management processes and to determine the most effective of them. The expediency of informatization management of an educational institution is confirmed by modern changes in human life, caused by the spread of information and communication technologies of education. In the article the author revealed the essential characteristics of the educational institution’s informatization management, which include the following: planning of educational institution informatization processes; development of planning of educational institution informatization processes; development of the information potential of the educational institution; introduction of information and communication technologies in managerial and pedagogical activities; providing of the necessary material base of the educational institution; ensuring the quality of education with the help of educational information technologies; implementation of monitoring of educational institution informatization processes; assessment of the state of informatization of the educational institution. The author studied out that the essence of informatization management of an educational institution is the creation of normative, organizational, personnel, pedagogical conditions that ensure the quality of educational services with the help of information and communication technologies of education. Informatization management of an educational institution is a system of management operations that should ensure the preparation of an individual for activities in the information society.

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