To understand the corrosion behavior of zirconium based bulk metallic glass (BMG); electrochemical, and surface investigations were carried out on Zr 59Ti 3Cu 20Al 10Ni 8 alloy in HNO 3 acid, and NaCl medium. Electrochemical studies were carried out in 1 N, 6 N and 11.5 N HNO 3 by recording open circuit potential–time, potentiodynamic polarization, and impedance characteristics. Atomic force microscope was used for e x situ surface morphology study of the specimens after potentiodynamic polarization in 1 N, 6 N, and 11.5 N HNO 3, and in situ surface morphology study by free immersion of the specimens in both 0.5 M, and 1 M NaCl solution. The results revealed attaining of steady state noble open circuit potential, wider passive region, and decrease in transpassive potential ( E transpass) with increase in HNO 3 concentration. Surface morphology in free immersion, and after polarization showed, deep pit propagation in both 0.5 M, and 1 M NaCl solution, and aggressive surface dissolution in HNO 3 medium.