Background: We have developed a new approach to map localized inclusions of gold nanoparticles in the Intralipid-1% liquid phantom. Our goal was to show that combined spectroscopic and angular snapshots of liquid phantoms and phantoms with inclusions allow obtaining information relevant for prostate cancer diagnostics and treatment. Methods: A combination of the point radiance spectroscopy and white light spectroscopy was used to measure angular resolved light distribution in 450-900 nm spectral range in Intralipid-1% liquid phantoms with and without localized inclusions of gold nanoparticles. Results: Characteristic spectro-angular snapshots of the liquid phantom alone and with the localized inclusion of gold nanoparticles were obtained. For liquid phantoms without inclusions, the snapshots demonstrate wavelength dependent light distribution inside the turbid medium, visualize the transparency window and provide a quantification of angular spread of different wavelengths of light. For liquid phantoms with gold inclusions, the approach allows to isolate the spectroscopic signatures of the inclusions from the background, identify locations of the inclusions in the angular domain and quantify the detection limits in terms of the contrast value attainable for the selected quantity of gold nanoparticles located at the specific depth in tissue. A detection of 3x10 13 particles up to 25 mm deep in Intralipid-1% was demonstrated. Conclusions: The encouraging results indicate a promising potential of radiance spectroscopy in prostate treatment and diagnostics with gold nanoparticles.
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