Heaving point absorber (HPA) is one of the most promising technologies to absorb wave energy. Accordingly in this work, performance of a HPA in terms of capture-width-ratio (CWR) under the effect of hydrodynamics forces were analysed using the SPH-based open-source package: DualSPHysics. 395 cases of simulations, which include five different geometries with different densities of the buoy, different buoy height to wave height ratios, and damping coefficients of the WEC over a range of wave frequencies were studied and optimum operational parameters were found for the novel buoy geometry named: “Super cuboid”. Compared to other geometries, it produced up to 23 % of efficiency increment over a wide range of operational conditions. Furthermore, the flow patterns and pressure variation around different buoy geometries were studied and found that an increase in the projected area of the buoy in vertical direction tends to increase the pressure force which results in increase of CWR. The CWR is also slightly enhanced by the bottom shape of the buoy. Hence it is expected that the use of this novel buoy shape, will contribute to the design of more sustainable and reliable WECs in the future.
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