The various techniques inbuilt in the VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) designing is originated from the basis of adder circuits. When these adder circuits are processed in the higher digital signal processing systems, the adders have to exhibit high performance, good efficiency with reduced cost and area of implementation. The major objective of designing the VLSI design is minimizing the complexity and to perform the operations more effectively. Whereas in some other methods, the logic circuit designing is made larger in order to achieve higher efficiency. This in turn, results in the reduction of hardware security and makes the computation more complex. This paper utilizes the RCPA adder logic to reduce the area for the implementation and enhancing the hardware security. By implementing RCPA adder circuit, the carry propagates in the opposite direction from the most significant bit to the least significant bit. The usage of shift accumulator improves the speed of process and reduces the area required. By implementing the reverse propagation of the carry in the adder circuit, computation time is optimized and the implementation is made efficient with the reduction in the delay.
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