The issue of global climate change is one of the most important challenges for modern environmental science. In this regard, assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from soils under agroecosystems is an extremely important task. The main purpose of the study was to assess the potential emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2 and N2O) from the soils under the winter wheat agroecosystem during its spring-summer growing season under the climate change in Ukraine. A comprehensive model of greenhouse gas emissions from agroecosystem soils was used as a theoretical basis. The study considered the main agroclimatic regions of Ukraine, such as Polissia, Forest-Steppe, Northern Steppe, and Southern Steppe. The modelling was performed for average long-term conditions of 1981–2020 and under scenario conditions (using the RCP4.5 climate scenario) for the decades of 2021–2030, 2031–2040, and 2041–2050. Estimates of CO2 emissions were obtained for the agroclimatic regions of Ukraine. According to the results, the largest CO2 emissions (0.886-0.940 t C-CO2/ha) will be expected when the average productive moisture supplies in the arable soil layer for the spring-summer period of winter wheat vegetation are 20–40 mm and the air temperature is 12–15 °C. Rise in the level of moisture reserves, averaged for the period, for more than 40 mm and the air temperature of 11–12 °C is accompanied by decrease in the level of CO2 emission (0.645–0.658 t C-CO2/ha). In arid conditions, with a decrease in the period-average moisture supplies in the arable soil layer to less than 20 mm and heightened average air temperatures (14.5–15.2 °C), a decrease in CO2 emissions is expected (0.755–0.770 t C-CO2/ha). The study showed that the highest N2O emission (1.087–1.703 kg N-N2O/ha) is expected at a high level of moistening (Md being equal to 0.474–0.713 relative units and air temperature – 11.3–13.0 °C) with a high intensity of nitrification and denitrification processes. Conditions characterizing the average level of N2O emission (0.657–0.890 kg N-N2O/ha) are formed under the moistening at a level of Md equaling 0.296–0.447 relative units and air temperature of 13.4–14.7 °C. There is a slowdown in denitrification processes and an increase in the share of emissions owing to nitrification. It has been found that the lowest N2O emission (0.508–0.537 kg N–N2O/ha) is expected under conditions of severe and very severe drought (according to the Md criterion), with a heightened temperature averaged at the level of 14.5–15.2 °C during the spring-summer period of winter wheat vegetation.
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