The unmanned retail stores are accelerating in the circulation market with the development of high-tech IT technology. Unlike existing stores where sales personnel reside, unmanned stores require consumers to make purchases by using the latest technology and space grafted in the store. Under the circumstances, companies operating unmanned stores raise the need to provide the consumers can experience in the stores, with useful values such as convenience and simplicity, as well as emotional values such as pleasure and enjoyment in order to provide differentiated services and gain competitiveness. This study wanted to look at to set the environmental characteristics among the unmanned convenience store with the highest accessibility to consumers in the unmanned store industry as ease to use of technology, spatial layout and functionality, and payment convenience, and see how it affect consumer’s emotional experience and emotional satisfaction. Furthermore, the personal characteristics of using unmanned convenience store customers setting personal innovation and similarity with other customers and it was verified the impact on the emotional experience and emotional satisfaction, which created by while the consumer is using the store. In addition, it has reviewed the impact of emotional experience and emotional satisfaction created while the consumer is using the store on attitude and behavioral loyalty of the consumer. During the process, emotional experience, emotional satisfaction, and corporate loyalty in the relationship, whether the store loyalty can have a mediational influence was intended for verifying. Figure 1 Structural Equation Model This study collected data by surveying 470 customers experienced in using unmanned convenience stores. It was verified by structural equation analysis in the case of the empirical analysis and the results are as follows. First, environmental characteristics of unmanned convenience stores such as ease to use of technology, spatial layout and functionality, and convenience of payment were found to have a positive effect on the emotional experience and emotional satisfaction. Moreover, it has been found that personal innovation and similarity with other customers, which are human characteristics of unmanned convenience store customers using, also have a positive effect on emotional experience and emotional satisfaction. Second, emotional experiences created while consumers using stores were found to a positive effect on emotional satisfaction. Third, emotional experience and emotional satisfaction have been confirmed to have a positive effect on store loyalty and corporate loyalty, which are attitude loyalty. Fourth, store loyalty and corporate loyalty have been confirmed to have a positive effect on the re-visit intention of the consumers. Lastly, the mediational effect of store loyalty has been found to be significant in the relationship between emotional experience, emotional satisfaction, and corporate loyalty. Table 1 Structural Equation Modeling Results β(p) SE t p ease of using technology → emotional experience .160*** .040 3.985 .000 spatial layout and functionality → emotional experience .185*** .041 4.539 .000 convenience of payment → emotional experience .075* .036 2.113 .035 personal inventiveness → emotional experience .240*** .040 5.956 .000 similarity with other customers → emotional experience .346*** .036 9.554 .000 ease of using technology → affectively based satisfaction .093** .031 3.011 .003 spatial layout and functionality → affectively based satisfaction .138*** .032 4.376 .000 convenience of payment → affectively based satisfaction .064* .027 2.385 .017 personal inventiveness → affectively based satisfaction .097** .032 3.034 .002 similarity with other customers → affectively based satisfaction .091*** .031 2.332 .020 emotional experience → affectively based satisfaction .595*** .033 18.220 .000 emotional experience → store loyalty .248*** .057 4.342 .000 affectively based satisfaction → store loyalty .472*** .055 8.503 .000 emotional experience → corporate loyalty .135** .046 2.919 .004 affectively based satisfaction → corporate loyalty .264*** .048 5.473 .000 store loyalty → corporate loyalty .512*** .035 14.726 .000 store loyalty → revisit intention .364*** .061 5.987 .000 corporate loyalty → revisit intention .203*** .062 3.271 .001 *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Table 2 Results of Mediation Effect β(p) SE t p emotional experience → corporate loyalty (indirect effect) .157*** .030 5.238 .000 affectively based satisfaction → corporate loyalty (indirect effect)) .242*** .033 7.368 .000 In this study, the research was conducted and verified by paying attention that consumers experience emotional pleasure and comfort while utilizing technologies applied to unmanned convenience stores on their own and are emotionally satisfied. In order to improve loyalty to companies that operate unmanned convenience stores, it also verified the mediational effect of the consumers having to experience high-quality emotional experiences in the stores and improving store loyalty through emotional satisfaction. Finally, this study attempted to propose academic and practical implications based on the results of these empirical analyses to suggest marketing perspectives that can build differentiated store operations strategies in the convenience store industry, which is the representative industry of the retail industry where the unmanned operation is accelerating.
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