Mosfets are the most important and basic part of integrated circuits, which the modern information network relies on. Combing a great number of mosfets, most integrated circuits would require the constituent part of themselves work in a stable and reliable state. Though, having been improved both in materials and constructures for tens of years, various types of mosfets still face the great danger of failure. This article would generally introduce this important issue of integrated circuit both on the issue and the methods of improvements, based on former researches, first making the classifications according to the formation mechanism of the failure modes, with an example of each failure mode, then introducing the train of thought of each kind of failure modes showed above. This article would be a summary on most common failure modes of cmos devices, with the formation mechanisms and their solutions, though not being comprehensive about most situations, it is supposed to be a reference on cmos circuit design, which may help to choose the specific devices and to improve the performance of the circuit in actual productions.
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