Introduction. – Poland’s syndrome is a rare malformation which associates thoracic anomalies and anomalies of homolateral upper end. We wish to know the frequency of hand’s malformations in this syndrome in our clinical experience. Matérial and methods. – We have revised 37 patients who were seen initially for a thoracomammary anomaly. This clinical series from plastic surgery service of Toulouse has been revised to know the importance of hand’s malformations. Results. – Hand’s malformations in Poland’s syndrome are rare in your study, they touch only 12% patients. We find only 4 malformations in 33 patients, four were lost. They were only females, we find three brachymesophalangies and a major form. Discussion. – Hand’s malformations in Poland’s syndrome are less frequent than classically. There is no parallelism between gravity of thoracic malformation and that one of upper end. In this series, we find only one case with syndactyly; originally, Poland’s syndrome was named « Poland’s syndactyly ». Finally, we think that we can talk about Poland’s syndrome without anomaly of homolateral upper end, the major element is musculary agenesia of sternocostal pectoralis major. The search of homolateral upper end has to be systematic in front of suspicious of Poland’s syndrome.
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