Diffusion equations determining ion diffusion velocities along magnetic field lines in the multicomponent ionosphere and plasmasphere composed of ions, electrons, and neutral species are derived from Grad’s 13-moment equations for average species velocities and heat flows. The general expressions for thermal diffusion and diffusion correction factors of an ion are simplified for the following cases of a multicomponent partially ionized plasma: (1) a major ion, a minor ion, electrons, and neutral species; (2) three major O +, H +, and He + ions, electrons, and neutral species; (3) two major O + and H + ions, a minor ion, electrons, and neutral species. The ion thermal diffusion and diffusion correction factors calculated for O +, H +, and He + ions of a fully ionized plasma are approximated by the analytical formulas as functions of [O +]/[H +] while changing the ratio of [He +] to ([O +] + [H +] + [He +]) between 0.01 and 0.9. A fully ionized plasma composed of two major ion species, O + and H +, electrons, and a minor ion component, x, where x stands for NO +, N 2 + , O 2 + , H 2 + , N +, O ++, N ++, Fe +, Mg +, Na +, Ca +, Al +, and Si + is considered to calculate the thermal diffusion and diffusion correction factors of each minor ion. Analytical approximating relationships of these thermal diffusion and diffusion correction factors with the [O +]/[H +] ratio are presented for use in ionospheric models.