With the advancement of CMOS technology, the susceptibility of SRAM to single node upset (SNU), double node upset (DNU), and multiple node upset (MNU) induced by radiation has increased. To address this issue, various cutting-edge solutions, such as radiation hardened sextuple cross coupled (RHSCC)-16T and DNU-completely-tolerant memory (DNUCTM) cells, have been proposed. While the RHSCC-16T cell is robust against SNU, it may be vulnerable to DNU. The DNUCTM cell is resistant to both SNU and DNU, but it remains susceptible to MNU. In this paper, we propose a radiation hardened read-stability and speed enhanced (RHRSE)-20T SRAM, which is immune to all potential cases of SNU, DNU, and MNU. Additionally, the proposed design demonstrates improvements in read and write delays compared to conventional SRAM designs. Experimental results confirm that the RHRSE-20T SRAM maintains stability under various charge levels for SEU, DNU, and MNU. The proposed integrated circuit is implemented in a 90-nm CMOS process and operates on a 1 V supply voltage, offering significant advantages for next-generation radiation-hardened memory applications.
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