Radicalism in some societies can arise for many reasons. One of them is because of the need for more understanding of religion. This radicalism is the right target for people who aim to distort religious teachings or teach misguided religious ideas. People who are weak in performance are usually easily tempted by material inducements to do things that deviate from spiritual teachings. This study used Mix Method with Analysis Tool using AMOS version 24. Respondents and sample using the census method consisted of Members of the Riau Island Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), totaling 135 Respondents. The results: The determination of the Ithiqomah on the Management of Religious Conflict is significantly positive, the Fanatics m resolution on the Management of Religious Conflict is highly positive, the Radicalism determination on the Management of Religious Conflict is very positive, the Management of Religious Conflict determination on Maslahah is a positive sign, the decision of the fanaticism on the Maslahah is positive important, the determination Radicalism on the Maslahah is positive but not significant, the determination isthiqomah on the Maslahah is positively influential. Square Multiple Correlation for Management of Religious Conflict =89.5%, Maslahah = 99.0%. It is suggested that there is no bias in understanding Radical and Radicalism. It is necessary to enlighten the people in the Riau Island Province. Fanatical is to hold strong, unwavering convictions in the face of evidence to the contrary, whether those convictions are positive or bad. Istiqomah is like having constancy, victory, courage, and glory in the conflict between obedience. When religious texts are understood superficially, they can birth to radical ideas and movements. Radicalism was used by national revolutionaries in the Western world to seize political power, as well as the flow used by anti-colonial nationalists and later used by social activists to achieve social goals.
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